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What is coaching?
Fuel for your dreams
and a map that shows the way.

In the coaching sessions, you will discover some new things about yourself, see a more clear direction and specific steps, find your inner strength and motivation to steer in your chosen direction.

Book your session now

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Arta Citko - Visual Designer

Contact me if you have any questions. I'll be happy to assist!

Arta Citko

+371 263 222 63

What can coaching help you with, what are the benefits?

  • Get motivation to start doing something

  • Get motivation to stop doing something

  • Help you choose between options

  • Define your values and talents

  • Define your self-image

  • Define your vision

  • Define goals and next steps

  • Make better decisions

  • Improve relationships

  • Make decisions about career 

  • And many more


  • 1x session (~1h)

  • Long term coaching 6x in a year 

  • Long term coaching 10x in a year 


Dana Zvonarjova

Dancer, choreographer

Better than a psychologist!!!  Ļoti vienkārši un pozitīvā veidā izdevās nonākt pie atziņām un secinājumiem, ko iespējams jau zināju, bet baidījos saklausīt un atzīt. Rezultāts ievirzījās tā, kā nebiju gaidījusi - tādus secinājumus pati no sevis. 


Agate Kakerane

Cief Marketing Officer at DYNATECH

Visvērtīgāk bija tieši sakrātot domas pa plauktiņiem. Daudzas atbildes jau bija manī, bet tobrīd nezināju, kā pie viņām piekļūt. Varbūt pēc kāda laika būtu sapratusi, bet Arta radikāli paātrināja procesu, vedot uz pareizā ceļa, uzdodot pareizos jautājumus. Noteikti ir vērts atkārtot, it īpaši, kad nav īsti skaidrs, kā efektīvi un ātri risināt problēmu.


Eriks Dobrisins

Real estate agent

Es nonācu līdz konkrētiem rīcības soļiem, kas palīdzēs virzīt manu projektu. Vertīgākais bija speciālas metodes kā nodefinēt un atklāt būtiskāko. Šos jautājumus var izmantot arī citos projektos un dzīves situācijās.


What is coaching?

Coaching = questions. It is me asking questions to you. And helping you to get to your own right answers. It is not a consultation. Consultation and mentoring = giving advice. Psychotherapy = analysing past. Coaching doesn't analyse the past. Coaching is looking into the future and determining what to do in the present to get to that future.


Every session happens for a reason.

The reason is you have something you want to talk about. Something to solve. It is called a request.


Think about an important topic you would like to discuss in the session.


Sometimes it takes 1 session to get to a result, sometimes more.


You can also prepare more than one topic for our session. In that case, I will be happy to help you pick the one that’s most important.


It's rarely just a one-time thing.

Coaching sessions can happen as often as every month. Or every week. Even 5 days in a row. It really depends on how quickly you can and want to move towards your goal. It can as well be once per month or once per two months. For some of you, it might take longer to implement the steps. And it’s fine. You move at your own pace.


And just as you visit a doctor or dentist once a year it is also healthy to visit your coach once per year, to set your vision and get motivation for the time coming.


See you soon!
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